Annual Meeting and Program

Events > Annual Meeting and Program

The Mansfield Historical Society will hold its annual meeting and program on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Due to the current health concerns, this will be a virtual event via Zoom.

Following a brief business meeting, Christopher Wigren, architectural historian and deputy director of Preservation Connecticut, will present an illustrated talk, “Stories of Connecticut Architecture.” The event is free, but registration is required. Once registered, ZOOM information will be emailed to you. Please register by providing your name and email by clicking on the email link below below. If you are unfamiliar with using ZOOM we have provided helpful information at the end of this page.

Stories of Connecticut Architecture

Connecticut boasts some of the oldest and most distinctive architecture in New England, from Colonial churches to refurbished nineteenth-century factories, to modernist houses. The state’s territory includes landscapes of small farmsteads, urban streets, quiet maritime villages, and town greens, as well as more recent suburbs and corporate headquarters.

Chris Wigren
Christopher Wigren, Architectural Historian and Deputy Director of Preservation Connecticut

In his book, Connecticut Architecture: Stories of 100 Places (Wesleyan University Press, 2018), Christopher Wigren introduces readers to 100 examples of our state’s rich architectural heritage. On October 8, he will discuss a few of them and show how architecture both reveals and shapes who we are.

The book is a project of Preservation Connecticut, formerly known as the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation. It reflects more than 30 years of fieldwork and research for statewide architectural surveys and nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

Following the program, a drawing will be held for a copy of the book. Your registration automatically enters you in the drawing. Copies of the book may also be purchased at the Preservation Connecticut website. Go to Use the code Q301 for a 30 percent discount.

Installing and using Zoom

If you are new to using Zoom you will need a computer, mobile phone, or tablet. Desktop computers and laptops will have to have a microphone and built in camera if you wish to ask questions and be seen by other participants. You can choose to participate without showing yourself and still be able to hear and see the program if you wish to do so.

Download Zoom

FAQ about installing and using ZOOM

Theme: Overlay by Kaira © Mansfield Historical Society
Storrs Connecticut